Shipping & Returns
We ship using FedEx International. Your package will need a signature at the address.
We ship within 2 - 4 days of receiving your order. Orders should take between 4-6 working days. On rare occasions, large orders can take up to 20 working days to arrive, but we will notify you if this is the case.
Shipping and handling charges are based on current rates and fees. Depending on the size and nature of a particular order, an alternate shipping method may be required. The customer is always responsible for shipping and packaging fees.
Return Policy
I will make every effort to provide you with a quality product. Everything offered is custom made or produced in small-quantity batches. For this reason, please understand that I cannot typically offer refunds or exchanges for my products. However, please do not hesitate to contact me if there is an issue with your order, and I will make every effort to address your needs and questions.